Granulated ash fertilizers with and without additives
Fertilizers for industrial and social forestry, small farms, and households.
Ash has been shown to be a very good fertilizer, but due to its difficulty in handling, application, and various technical parameters, it is considered as a complex substance to use, therefore different fertilizer is often chosen instead. Since 2019 our production team has performed many technical analyses and test processes to develop a safe, efficient, and economically valuable products to complement range of environmentally friendly products. Since then, we have developed a granulation process and several products that prove their sustainability across the value chain. Now, we invite nurseries and forest centres to join us for product testing and cooperation.
Cooperation with Demola Latvia
By bringing together students, academics, and researchers from different universities and contries, global Demola community innovates solutions to various world's key topics. Our Demola team analyzed our challenge and came up with an innovative solution to calculate, measure and adapt ash fertilizer formulations and its possible additives creating unique concepts for different types of end-products. This significant contribution was led by the talented Ms. Alina Safronova and her team consisted of Mr. Arturs Černiševs, Mr. Toms Oskars Gross, Ms. Zumrud Ahmadova, Mr. Delath Nuwan Srimal De Zoysa and Demola Latvia Facilitator Mr. Toms Mūrnieks. During the project the main targets were changed, and the team moved on to the redefined idea and adjustable digital tool that was approved by an expert and PhD student Ms. Kristine Irtiseva from Riga Technical University (Faculty of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry (FMSAC).
Benefits to industrial forestry
Ash fertilizers boosts forest growth, as it contains the most important nutrients that woods need to grow. By adding boron and potassium during production process we get effective and inexpensive forest fertilizer. We believe that it is an absolutely new approach for the forest industry as the same products can be supplemented with additional secondary and trace nutrients for perfect combination for various species and types of application.
Long lasting fertilising products divided by type and raw materials specifically adapted to different tree species, shrubs, and several ash loving plants in easily accessible form. Ash fertilizer line includes granulated products with both – regulated and untouched pH levels, briquettes as well as simplified ash granulation technology. Products with regulated pH level makes them available for all soil types and cultures.

Technology for ash fertilizer production
Ash granulation technology and unit can be adapted to different crops worldwide, thus reducing the total cost of production, and contributing to the local communities. Depending on the burning source the client has, fertilizers for cocoa, vegetables, and fruits can be customized and produced. It is a profitable service for forestry enterprises and cogeneration plants with their own raw material.
Service for local forestry enterprises and cogeneration plants with their own raw material.

Granules and briquettes
Universal long-lasting ash fertiliser contains nutrients in easily accessible form for plants, increases productivity, immunity, and overall survival rate. Furthermore, it protects against diseases and pests and lowers soil acidity. In acidic and neutral soils, it will dissolve in 2 to 4 years.
Instruction for planting, beds feeding and autumn dressing: For beds: 100-150 g per square; for plants from 1 tablespoon to 2 glasses (depending on the size of the plant). It should be brought to a depth of 5-7 cm of the near-trunk circle of already growing plants.
Advantages of new form of ash:
- - it is not washed away by rain and melt water (as dissolves slowly);
- - does not cause a sharp change in soil PH during deoxidation;
- - gives nutrients to plants for a long time;
For all vegetable, fruit, decorative, berry and flower crops.
pH untouched
formulas can’t be used for acid loving plants and on calcareous soils, therefore pH
regulated formulation versions should be used.
Groups offered cocoa fertilizer range:
- Smart fertilizers ECO Plant+
- PK 22-18+9CaO,7SO3,6MgO
- NPK 5-21-11+5CaO+3S+5MgO+0.04B2O3+0.03 Zn
- NPK 7-20-13+6CaO+ 5SO3+5MgO+ 0,04B2O3+ 0,5ZnSO4
- NPK 3-20-23+Ca+Mg+S+B
- NPK 2-30-20+S
- NPK 18-11-24+Ca+Mg+S+B
- NPK 16-15-22+Mg+S+B